Ramalan Tahun 2010

A number of Ramalan Tahun 2010 have modified this theory and they believe and preach that a retrograde planet will reverse its basic functional nature in a horoscope, which means that if the planet is supposed to work positively in a horoscope according to all other factors deciding the nature of a planet in a Ramalan Tahun 2010. Most of the people don’t believe on these predictions but its value and significance is shown by the history and with every change of time. It has great meaning since very long time.

Certain movements of the stars and planets have been observed to have an effect on us. There have been many instances when we felt situations were beyond our control, our words were misconstrued and an important message failed to reach its destination. To further filter this theory, there are some astrologers who believe that if a planet becomes retrograde in its sign of exaltation, it works negatively and if a planet becomes retrograde in its sign of debilitation, it works positively for the native.


Anonymous said...

it works negatively and if a planet becomes retrograde..

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